Friday, 19 October 2018

Stunning Halloween Decor

Firstly I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to Linda for her help setting up my new blog!

I'm pretty sure she's part computer, she just whizzes up coding like it's nothing and without her my little dropdown menus would be hideous and probably not even work haha

Linda also creates AMAZING tablescapes and just so happens to have some pretty awesome halloween themed tables over on her blog which I just HAD to share with you all!

If you're reading my blog then chances are you, like myself, would quite happily have the table set for Halloween all year round ;) There's a meme I've seen floating around cyber-space of halloween decorations that says something along the lines of seasonal decorations in stores - normal house decor for me - sooooo true :P

Anywho, here are some of my favourites from Lindas' blog....


How adorable are these faery folk!?!?

To see more pop on over to -
If you're interested in creating your own blog, Linda also offers design packages on her other blog - 


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